(Note: All transactions are IC only! Though gil donations are appreciated!)
β¦ ββγ €Hoursγ €
Please join our discord for our hours of operation!
β¦ ββγ €Shop Locationγ €
Crystal | Mateus | Lavender Beds | Ward 19 | Plot 30
β¦ ββγ €Other Infoγ €
β¦ ββγ €Regular Stockγ €
β¦ ββγ €Limited Time Offersγ €
β¦ ββγ €Other Servicesγ €
The Staff
The Boss

γ €Sharzhad Pavaatiγ €
Shazi is the owner of The Whispered Word. She's been running this shop for longer than she probably should have been, and is a ruthless business woman even at her young age. The Rowena of the Shroud, some might say. This Opalescent teen is known for her whimsy, and uncanny friendliness even when milking you for all you're worth. Tread carefully travelers!
The Front
γ €Ibi Vilsaγ €

A youthful looking Keeper who radiates an air of positivity, Ibi can frequently be found hiding in the darker corners of the Whispered Word reading some manner of mysterious text or enjoying whatever is on today's menu for lunch.While rare, Ibi's true talents come to light when the Whispered Word requires aid on items dealing with spirits/the lifestream of the Star itself.
γ €Inyoku Sagiγ €

A corrupted Auspice summoned by Shazi herself that is now bound by agreement with the business savvy Keeper. Despite this truth, In and her sister do not seem bothered by it, but instead excited.While her true intentions and goals still remain a mystery, there is an agreement in place that the woman will not bring any harm to Shazi's patrons...as long as they enter the establishment with good intentions.On the nights that In helps staff the Whispered Word, she can be found playing host downstairs behind the main desk.
γ €Luci'a Sitaraγ €

Older than he looks and mostly assumed to be two crayons short of a full box, Luci'a's story is a jumbled mess. One moment he can be found fondly recalling his 'traditional roots', the next he's laughing about how he accidently started a cult. All that really needs to be known is that he's a 'long lost cousin' of Shazi's that showed up in the shop one day and hasn't left.
γ €Kazlux Murasameγ €

One of The Whispered Word's 3 resident kitsune that serve under master Sharzhad.Polite and Friendly, her curious nature let her into the shop one day, drawn by it's arcane magiks, only to find herself not long after, striking a deal with the owner and sticking around where she remains a loyal employee to this day.Much like her vulpine sisters, the vixen is ever mysterious, though rumor has it she has something of a deep heritage in the shinobi arts.
γ €Shanti Hartfeltγ €

A long lost 'relative' of Shazi who just showed up one day along side Luci'a. She's since taken it upon herself to linger around the shop. The woman has a flare for the theatrics, and always wears a smile. More often than not, when doing business with Shanti, one will find themselves making deals rather than exchanging coin. Do you dare to make a deal with the devil?
€Interested inγ
€working the Front?γ
While we thank you for your interest, we are not currently hiring. Should this ever change, we will announce this in our Discord; so we suggest you join and sign up for our announcements!
The Readers
γ €Aiyoku Sagiγ €

A corrupted Auspice summoned by Shazi herself that is now bound by agreement with the business savvy Keeper. Despite this truth, Ai and her sister do not seem bothered by it, but instead excited.While her true intentions and goals still remain a mystery, there is an agreement in place that the woman will not bring any harm to Shazi's patrons...as long as they enter the establishment with good intentions.Most nights, Ai can be found reading peoples fates and divulging the good, bad, and ugly.
γ €Kanu'a Vashaliγ €

The descendent of an archaic bloodline, Kanu'a is believed by the people of his clan to be the voice of the wilds, an oracle, the mediator between men and gods.Though he spends much of his time in his ancestral forest, he has become a frequent pilgrim, venturing into the world to gain knowledge of the outside and offer his aid to those who may need it. In furtherance of that endeavor, he volunteers at the Whispered Word as a rune reader, providing his prophetic services for those who desire it.
γ €Nos Djt-Setlasγ €

Believed to be a bridge between the Earth and the Heavens in his own tribe, Nos' journey that landed him to working at the Whispered Word was a...confusing one indeed.Partial bodyguard, this once proud Wood-Warder can be found more recently reading cards for folks. Don't let him fool you though, the axe isn't for show. He will toss you out if needed.
γ €Poppy Sohr-khaiγ €

A dragon masquerading amongst mankind, Poppy entered into a 'mutually beneficial business arrangement' with The Whispered Word. In exchange for his services and draconic wisdom, he gets to linger and people watch. Exciting! When not assisting around the shop, or reading the stars, that's exactly where he can be found. Where his actual body is? Only a handful really know.
γ €Interested in becoming a Reader?γ €
By the Twelve do we get this question often!While we thank you for your interest, we are not currently hiring more Readers. Should this ever change, we will announce this in our Discord; so we suggest you join and sign up for our announcements!
The Mascots
γ €Chesterγ €

Chester is a small, tamed mimic in the employ of Shazi. He's generally only seen sitting on the check out counter, but every now and again the chest can be seen hopping around after the opal teen. He carries some of the shop's more valuable items inside of himself as an added source of security, and when angered can grow to three times his size, bare his venom covered fangs, and take a hefty chunk out of any thief to add to his hoard.
γ €Chomperγ €

No one is really sure how Chomper came to be in the shop. Some say it was when a rogue Lalafell dropped a morbol vine in surprise! Others claim that it simply walked out of a portal that was connected to another Star.Whatever the case is? The Staff isn't divulging the secret. Chomper, and his fabulous red dress, are never for sale.
γ €Gilbertγ €

Gilbert is a small, tamed mimic in the shape of a gil coin! Obtained via a trade from a patron who visited the Whispered Word stall during a community event, he now finds a forever home with one TWW's Readers, Aiyoku Sagi.Gilbert can often be found on her reading table next to a warm cup of tea or stashed away somewhere on the woman herself.
Other Info
β¦γ €γ €Foxgloveγ €γ €β¦

Affiliates Since January 1, 2024
Coming Soon!
β¦γ €γ €The Looking Glassγ €γ €β¦

Affiliates Since December 2023
β¦γ €γ €Limboγ €γ €β¦

Affiliates Since March 1, 2024
Coming Soon!
β¦γ €γ €Oswell Stablesγ €γ €β¦

Affiliates Since 2021
Coming Soon!
γ €Interested in becoming an affliate?γ €
Interested in becoming an affliate? Join our discord and contact Shazi directly!
γ €Do you have Discord?γ €

γ €What we offer:γ €
€sign up for shop open pings so you'll know the second we're open
€get access to hidden shop stock items!
€the chance to see player traded stock before everyone else!
€get information and schedule private card and rune readings!
€get information on custom orders made by Shazi herself!
Mare Synchronos
γ €Do you have Mare?γ €

You're a degenerate and so are we!
γ €If you Know, you know:γ €
Note: Having problems joining? Message someone on staff ASAP! We'll be happy to help troubleshoot!
γ €Warning:γ €
We do not condone or accept players who use mods that put characters that appear to be, or are, underaged in any suggestive positions (sfw/nsfw both included). We also do not condone or accept players who use mods that spread homophobic or racist ideologies.If found using these mods in our syncshell, you will be promptly removed.
Other Info
Custom Orders

γ €Want something customized?γ €
Need something made specifically to your measurements, color preferences, or particular aesthetic? The Whispered Word can help! Just let us know you seek a custom order, and we'll sit down with you to talk things out, all from particular leather, or hides to whether you want a soft rosy pink, or the most neon shade you can think of!
γ €Looking for Enchantments?γ €
Shazi, the Whispered Word's owner, prides herself in her enchantments and will openly boast that she is one of the best Enchantresses around! Seek her out if you're looking to enchant your items with whimsical tricks, or useful skills. From Boots of Water Walking to a Stick of Maniacal Laughter; she can do it all!

Item Identification

γ €Don't Know What Something Is?γ €
Have an item but don't know what it is? We can help! The Whispered Word's proprietress is a master at identifying objects! From some shabby old pebble you may have thought was more special than it really was, to an old treasure your slightly insane grandmama gave you before she kicked the bucket and crawled six feet under, we have our ways here at the Whispered Word to help you out!
γ €Something We Didn't List?γ €
Dont see anything listed that fits your specifications? Feel free to ask us! We're always willing to work with customers on what they want, and more often than not, we'll be willing to put in the work if you've got the means to pay for it!OOC Note: Struggling in your personal plot to gain lost information, create something, etc? We're the small and willing middle party you may need to help progress you and your friends on! From helping you find a book that conveniently contains the missing puzzle piece you need to even more full scale character involvement, we can offer multiple avenues to help based on your comfort levels and preferences! Message Shazi directly to inquire and discuss further details on how we can help you!

Fortune Readings
γ €What's Fate Got in Store For You?γ €

Ever feel like you just can't find the answers to the most important questions? Questions of Love, or wealth. Fame or health? What the future holds for you? Or maybe you're looking to receive advice on how to handle certain situations. Seek out the Whispered Word's card and rune readers. With the will of the Spinner guiding them, perhaps you'll get an inkling of an answer to your questions, or maybe you'll leave having more questions than you arrived with.
Price: 50,000 gil
Note: All readings are done in-real life with a real deck/runes by our readers. Due to this, we ask for patience should you get a reading and warn ahead of time that things may take time. Short on time? Please let our readers know OOCly so they can offer swifter options.
Card Readings
Card reading is the practice of divining wisdom and guidance through a specific spread (or layout) of cards. However, contrary to popular belief, the cards do not simply tell your fortune, and one does not have to be a psychic to give readings. The cards are meant to provide insight into the innermost truths of your higher self. In other words, the cards provide an evolved awareness of what you already know deep within. We currently offer two types of card readings; they are listed below!
Due to popularity and time constraints, our readers are only offering three card pulls at this time. If you're looking for something more in-depth, please join our discord.
γ €Are the Cards Calling You?γ €

γ €Tarot Cardsγ €
Perhaps the most known type of card reading is Tarot Cards. Coming in a more structured deck, are usually more detailed, and have a more rules involved when using them. Tarot card decks also usually have 78 cards, some decks might have 80 or 44, but majority have 78. In our experience, Tarot cards have a tendency to be more blunt and they'll tell you the good, bad, and ugly.
γ €Oracle Cardsγ €
Where Tarot card decks have more of a traditional structure and common meanings, Oracle cards can have any content and any number of cards. Oracle cards tend to hold a bigger energy and give an insight into a greater sense of what is going on. Usually more free-flowing and upbeat in tone, we find Oracle Cards acknowledge a person with usually a general 'gentler' touch.
Rune Readings

γ €What do the Runes have in Store?γ €
Rune Reading, or Rune Casting, is a divination art that utilizes symbols to divine insight into the past, present, and future or to provide guidance on how to address a particular issue or problem one is facing. In this respect, it can be likened to Tarot Card reading, though the iconography and cultural origins of these arts differ rather significantly. They are best used as a revolutionary tool, or an exploration of internal thought. The best way to think of them is that they tell you Truths.
Due to popularity and time constraints, our readers are only offering three rune pulls at this time. If you're looking for something more in-depth, please join our discord.
Our Readers
β¦γ €γ €Aiyoku Sagiγ €γ €β¦

Specializes In:
Tarot Cardsγ
€Oracle Cards
(Works the most In-Game Card Readings!)
β¦γ €γ €Kanu'a Vashaliγ €γ €β¦

Specializes In:
€Oracle Cards
(Our Discord Rune Master!)
β¦γ €γ €Nos Djt-Setlasγ €γ €β¦

Specializes In:
Tarot Cardsγ
€Oracle Cards
(Handles most of our Discord readings!)
β¦γ €γ €Poppy Sohr-Kaiγ €γ €β¦

Specializes In:
€Oracle Cards
(Mostly handles retail in the front!)
Common Questions
γ €Are Readings Really Free?γ €
Yup! During open nights where you find us in party finder, we offer Reading Services completely free of charge. However if you wanna tip our Readers for their hard work? Feel free! They keep 100% of their tips and usually give little gifts in return!Private readings do come at a cost! For more information on pricing for private readings, please join our discord!
€Can You Teach Me How toγ
€Read Cards/Runes/Etc?γ
Short answer: No and please don't ask.Long Answer: Our Readers here at TWW have varying stances on teaching their craft. From not having enough time, being a beginner themselves, or just simply they don't wanna; we ask you respect our readers wishes an not ask them this question!
€Interested inγ
€becoming a Reader?γ
Gods do we get this question a lot!While we thank you for your interest, we are not currently hiring. Should this ever change, we will announce this in our Discord, so we suggest you join and sign up for our announcements!
Our Chocobo Breeder

γ €Introducing Oswell Stablesγ €
Established in 2020, Oswell Stables has heavily focused on not only breeding quality birds, but has been notoriously known to go the extra step to be sure each bird purchased will thrive in the environment it's new owner plans to provide and introduced it too.
Chocobos for Sale

Sex: Femaleγ
€Type: Flyer/Rouncey
Coloring: Metallic Green
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Max Speed
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Stamina
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Cunning
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Endurance
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Acceleration
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,150,000 gil

Sex: Femaleγ
€Type: Rouncey
Coloring: Yellow
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Max Speed
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Stamina
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Cunning
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Endurance
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Acceleration
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,150,000 gil

Sex: Femaleγ
€Type: Rouncey
Coloring: Yellow
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Max Speed
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Stamina
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Cunning
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Endurance
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Acceleration
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,150,000 gil

Sex: Maleγ
€Type: Flyer/Rouncey
Coloring: Snow White
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Max Speed
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Stamina
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Cunning
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Endurance
[⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀⬀] Acceleration
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,150,000 gil

γ €Vestments of Contentγ €
These garments have transmutative properties. Upon wearing them and speaking a command word of their choosing, they create a seamless transformation the wearer envisions of their chest. The garment is then not visible and both sight and touch seem entirely authentic until the spell is dismissed. These undergarments have no time limit, and the spell can be dismissed at any time.
γ €Priceγ €γ €20,000 gil

€Klepto Bagγ
€ of Holdingγ
A bag of holding which disappears every other day only to return holding items which it stole the previous night.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,000,000 gil

γ €Cloak of Displacementγ €
Makes a duplicate of yourself in an area around you no further than 10 feet away. Confuses enemies.
γ €Priceγ €γ €500,000 gil

γ €Giant Eel Scarfγ €
Wearing this scarf gives you the ability to breath underwater. It also makes you extra slippery. Like youre covered in slime. Its gross, but hey, at least you're not easily caught.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,500,000 gil

γ €Corpse Maskγ €
This mask brings an entirely new meaning to the phrase' dead man walking'. For 1 bell, wearing this mask allows you to take on the appearance of a humanoid creature you witnessed die. The mask can store up to 5 faces. A face can also be replaced with a new one 1 bell after witnessing a new death.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,200,000 gil

γ €Coat of Comfortγ €
This enchanted coat not only keeps it's wearer's blood pumping (preventing freezing in snowy climates), but also supports local Keeper Clans for all of the materials used to make it come from hard working Keepers located in the Black Shroud. Due to this, a portion of it's funds return to the Clans the materials are sourced from.
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,300,000 gil

γ €Mindmugger Mittsγ €
These gloves not only give you exceptional pickpocketing stealth, but twice per day you can touch one humanoid creature, and snatch from it the last bell of memory it has. That is if it doesnt resist the enchantment....good luck!
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,150,000 gil

γ €Pondchoγ €
Inspired by Blue Mages and their ability to mimic monster magics, this rather specific frog themed hoodie was created! Allows the wearer to cast the spell 'Frog Legs' when the mouth is zipped close. This incantation-like song is evidently considered a toe-tapper by poroggosβand poroggos exclusively, for to all other creatures it sounds much like a frog being run over by a carriage. Brazenly chanting it without remorse, therefore, is an effective means of drawing ire when necessary. Comes in a padded winter version for colder climates and Lalafellian sizes!
γ €Priceγ €γ €250,000 gil

γ €Phantom Stepsγ €
These boots allow you to move soundlessly without leaving any tracks or traces behind you. Once per day you can click your heels together to move through solid surfaces such as walls and doors. They take an entire night cycle to recharge.
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,500,000 gil

γ €Wizard's Hatγ €
Exactly one willing creature (including yourself) can be stored within this hat. While contained within the hat, the creature cannot cast spells and is blind, however it can breath, hear, and communicate with anyone wearing the hat.
γ €Priceγ €γ €500,000 gil
γ €Time to Read!γ €

Here at the Whispered Word we have a wide selection of books and tomes for those interested. From magic to mysteries, forbidden arts to cooking, you name it? We've got it. Prices are determined via the rarity of the book itself.
Rarity | Price |
Common | 5,000 gil |
Uncommon | 10,000 gil |
Rare | 150,000 gil |
Ultra-Rare | 1,000,000 gil |
One of a Kind | Negotiation and Trade only |
Search for a book
γ €Lets Play a Game!γ €
Here at the Whispered Word, we OOCly like to have some fun here while helping you progress gaining whatever knowledge you're seeking. How do we do this? We play a small game!Step One: Inquire about a book you're looking for to one of our staff. They will help you going forward and randomize a title of a book for you.Step Two: You will be asked to /random! Based on your rolls, this will determine the book's rarity and thus it's price point!
Rarity Grade | /Random Range |
Common | 1 - 500 |
Uncommon | 501 - 700 |
Rare | 701 - 900 |
Ultra-Rare | 901 - 998 |
One of a Kind | 999 |
Current Titles
γ €Check the Shelves!γ €
Here are some titles that folks have rolled for in the past, however decided not to purchase. Feel free to buy these books if one peaks your interest! These are limited time items, so once they're bought we remove them to keep it unique!

Books | Type | Rarity |
The Chronicles of Sandstorm: A Bard's Tale By Darude | Non-Fiction (Autobiography) | Rare |
Mam the Tool: M'am Mammet's Guide to Home Repair | Non-Fiction (Advice and How-To) | Common |
Voidal Nightfall | Fiction (Thriller) | Common |
A Beginner's Journey into Animal Rearing: Practical Advice and Proven Strategies | Non-Fiction (Advice and How-To) | Common |
Moon Hops: A Rabbit Adventure | Children's Book | Uncommon |

γ €Powdered Boozeγ €
A powder that can be added to any beverage to make it taste like ale. It is, however, none alcoholic. Each pouch contains enough powder to be used in 10 drinks.
γ €Priceγ €γ €10,000 gil

γ €Dragonfire Brandyγ €
Become the life of the party with this cinnamon and apple flavored brandy that causes you to breathe literal fire after every sip!
γ €Priceγ €γ €8,000 gil

γ €Deep Stoutγ €
A beer with the bold flavours of chocolate coffee, burnt grain, and a slight undertone of plum. It has a heat when going down and an overwhelming flavour, but a pleasant aftertaste and warmth.
γ €Priceγ €γ €5,000 gil

γ €Echo-Popγ €
Unlike it's name might suggest, no this lollipop does not give one the Echo. However, it does help you translate, speak, and understand any spoken language you do not already know. At least until the lollipop is gone. It also looks like space, and tastes like grape or cotton candy. So thats neat.
γ €Priceγ €γ €50,000 gil

γ €Seven Magic Peasγ €
A pouch filled with seven magic peas whereupon eating one, you will be able to cast one of the provided spells once.
βΈ 3 Green - Cast Thorn Whip
βΈ 1 pink - Cast Charm Person
βΈ 1 white - Cast Invisibility
βΈ 1 orange - Fire Breath
βΈ 1 blue - Ice Breath
γ €Priceγ €γ €500,000 gil

γ €The Cinnamon Spoonγ €
A spoon that is created via a pressed cinnamon honey paste that is then dried rock solid. Said to be good for up to a twelvesmoon, any dish cooked with this spoon adds the distinct flavors of cinnamon and honey.
γ €Priceγ €γ €5,000 gil

γ €Elezen Essenceγ €
A pleasant alcoholic tea made with rosemary, mint, chamomile and fermented berries. After drinking it you gain the illusion of having comically pointy ears sprouting from the sides of your head. If you're an Elezen, your ears just seem to grow in length.
γ €Priceγ €γ €8,000 gil

γ €Rosewood Aleγ €
A strong ale thats blood red in colour with an intense burning sensation going down. It's not entirely unpleasant with a slightly floral flavour, however some cant get over the appearance of drinking blood.
γ €Priceγ €γ €5,000 gil

γ €Spicy Spice Boxγ €
This small wooden box contains a variety of unusual and exotic spices from around the Star! Containing both delicious and foul flavorings, the spice itself is always harmless however seems to be powerful in it's ability to flavor any dish it's added too! Contains enough spices to flavor a total of eighteen dishes!
γ €Priceγ €γ €50,000 gil
βΈCinnamon: comes from the bark of various species of cinnamon trees; used in cooking and for medicinal purposes.βΈCardamom: an herb that is often used as a spice in foods.. Contains chemicals that might kill some bacteria, reduce swelling, and help the immune system.βΈDragon Pepper Flakes: a moderately hot chili pepper used to flavor dishes.βΈJuniper Berries: commonly used around the world to flavor dishes such as wild game and meat. They have also been used for centuries in medicinal preparations for many ailments, and can also be found in crafts, perfumes, and potpourri.
βΈMustard Seed: Known to be a good source of several vitamins!βΈFoot Fungus Powder: A dried mushroom powder that stinks very badly.βΈDried Morbol Vine Powder: known to be used in many alchemist recipes, this powder suprisingly also offers an earthy taste to dishes.βΈTumeric: a deep, golden-orange spice known for adding color, flavor and nutrition to foods.βΈCoriander Powder: add directly into spicy curries, or roasted to add a hearty depth to meat rubs and marinades!

γ €Dragon Dropsγ €
Each candy is subtly sweet and grants to consumer the ability to breath a certain type of elemental breath depending on which candy is consumed. This effect is possible only once per candy.βΈOrange: Fire | βΈWhite: Ice
βΈGreen: Wind | βΈBlue: Water
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,000 gil per drop

€Water Breathingγ
These jellies can be eaten in one bite, and come in packs of four. When consumed, one can breath under water for a single bell. No, the effect does not stack, so dont eat all four at once. They taste like apples. Bet you were expecting blueberries.
γ €Priceγ €γ €150,000 gil

γ €Moon Sugarγ €
This Meracydian drug is said to open the mind and let you commune with the gods. It is also known to give one a light, out of body feeling. Warning: Is known to be highly addictive to those not of Hrothgar or Miqo'te races. Sold by the gram.
γ €Priceγ €γ €5,000 gil

γ €Faedustγ €
A white powder that, in the right lighting, shimmers with hues of blue and red. It tastes awful, so it's most commonly snorted. It seems to make one feel light. Like they can fly. It also gives one the literal ability to hear colors and taste sounds. Supposedly. Highly addictive. Sold by the gram.
γ €Priceγ €γ €5,000 gil

γ €Sundropγ €
Originally used as a magically synthesized antidepressant, Sundrop when consumed tricks the user into believing that they are happy. Dependency is expected in longtime users for it will render one unable to produce dopamine and serotonin. Longtime users also commonly build tolerances, requiring greater quantities to be consumed to maintain effect. Overdosing may cause feverish conditions and may ultimately burn one alive from the inside out.
γ €Priceγ €γ €50,000 gil

γ €Dream Flakeγ €
A strip of dried black mushroom. When placed between gum and cheek, it induces hallucinations and euphoria. When crushed and smoked, the user enters an extremely vivid waking dream that can last for bells. Extended use blackens the teeth and makes "bad trips" more common. Extremely addictive. Sold by the pound.
γ €Priceγ €γ €10,000 gil

γ €Reverie Sticksγ €
Thin, hollow sticks similar to those used for incense. When burned, the smoke causes any in the area to enter a relaxed, dreamlike state. Reverie sticks can also be snapped in half under one's nose; a sharp inhale of its contents delivers a powerful rush of euphoria. Sold in bundles (5 sticks per bundle).
γ €Priceγ €γ €20,000 gil

γ €Blackoutγ €
A dried root of questionable origin. Eating it raw or making tea out of it makes the individual unable to remember anything that happens to them for the next 8 bells. Sold by the pound.
γ €Priceγ €γ €10,000 gil
γ €Elements on the Go!γ €

The following elements are available for purchase: Wind, Water, Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Earth
Type of Crystal | Price |
Shards | 50 gil |
Crystals | 100 gil |
Clusters | 1,000 gil |

γ €Astrographyγ €
This glass calligraphy pen holds a very noticeable glow about it. It comes with no inkwell for the ink is produced inside the pen itself, hence the glow. The pen, seemingly never running out of ink, writes with an ink so aetherically charged you may as well be writing with starlight. This is effective for significantly stronger sigils and runes during the use of magic. It also writes extremely potent grimoires.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,000,000 gil

γ €Jar of Infinite Beesγ €
This jar of seemingly dead bees is...a horror. Seriously who thought it was a good idea to cast a sleeping spell on bees and shove them in a jar so they can be thrown at someone? They're not even all bees! There are jars of WASPS mixed in here! Be gay, do crime.(NOTE: Shop staff will ask you to /random to see if you get a jar of Wasps instead of Bees!)
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,000 gil

γ €The Unseenstressγ €
Basically an invisible seamstress. This sewing kit is enchanted to mimic the skills of the person it is attuned to. When the box is opened, the tools inside immediately get to work, seemingly moving on their own and working on whatever project the user assigns it to. When the project is finished? The tools return to their box.
γ €Priceγ €γ €500,000 gil

γ €Deck of Dreamsγ €
This tarot deck is for those who deal more in stories, dreams and secrets than in actual coin. The deck itself takes payment in the form of a story, dream, or secret the person being read can offer. Each card, starting blank, absorbs what is offered and eventually displays a depiction upon it's face of whatever secret, dream, or story was given. These absorbed dreams, secrets, or stories can then be used to power spells cast with the cards. Once a story, secret, or dream is used? The card goes blank once more, ready to absorb another.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,500,000 gil

γ €Herbalist's Bundleγ €
These materials can either be chewed raw for one minor effect, or used to brew one or two types of potions with stronger effects.
γ €Priceγ €γ €120,000 gil
βΈPepper Berries: Small red berries with a spicy flavor.
[Raw:] Cold Resistance (one minute).
[Potions Brewed:] Cold Resistance (one bell) -or- Fire Breath (one charge).βΈOgre Ear: A foul smelling fungus in the shape of an ear.
[Raw:] Enhanced Strength (five minutes).
[Potions Brewed:] Enhanced Strength -or- Potion of Growth (one bell).
βΈWitch Weed: A bitter root grown in swamps.
[Raw:] Water breathing (five minutes).
[Potions Brewed:] Glamour -or- Water Breathing (one bell).βΈLover's Thorn: It is actually a very specific thorn found on the brambles of the Bramble Patch. The thorn itself is tipped in a bright red with a lush green base. For some reason, it seems to attract people.
[Raw:] Enhanced Charisma (five minutes).
[Potions Brewed:] Philter of Love -or- Potion of Poison

γ €Traveling Gardenγ €
This see through chest functions as a small garden and can hold and preserve up to six different flora samples indefinitely without light or water. However, removal from the chest and whatever soil is placed within it leaves the sample with a very short shelf life, seeing it perish in just a bell.
γ €Priceγ €γ €200,000 gil

γ €Rubber Duck Duckyγ €
At first one may think this duck made of rubber is just some child's bathing toy. However, should an item be thrown towards you, it will hear the word 'duck' inside your head, allowing you to dodge said thrown object. Seems this Duck Ducky is a little shy though, for he only likes to speak up once per sun.
γ €Priceγ €γ €125,000 gil

γ €Compass of Hatredγ €
Ever wish to know who hates you the most? Well guess no further! Just walk into a room with this compass open and the arrow will guide you to the person who hates you the most with ease. Compass enchantment only works for a total of six moons and requires one to sleep with it for a full sun in-order to eliminate the owner's own possible self-hatred from being picked up.
γ €Priceγ €γ €500,000 gil

γ €Kisses' Hourglassγ €
This pink sand hour glass can give you advantages to honorably charm one person around you....however will also curse you to be unattractive by all the moment you try to use it for nefarious purposes. The point? Be a good person, otherwise you're going to be left wondering why you were even buying this item at all.
γ €Priceγ €γ €3,000,000 gil

€Candle of Forgettableγ
€ Griefγ
At first glance this simple white candle seems to be completely out of place amongst the other enchanted and more flashy items resting on the shelves; however, this candle has actually brought more closure to it's user than any other item sold in the Whispered Word. Once lit, the user will hold the candle and confess in detail to the candle their most painful memory. As they do so, the wax will slowly turn black, gradually absorbing the user's painful memory from their mind and burning it away. Said memory cannot be remembered after the candle is fully burned away. The flame can not be put out once lit.
γ €Priceγ €γ €800,000 gil

γ €Weather Orbγ €
This palm sized orb shaped glass is filled with an enchanted liquid that tells of the next sun's weather. Glass must be rested on a piece of wood and remain untouched for half a bell in order to be accurate in it's prediction.
γ €Priceγ €γ €600,000 gil

γ €Assassin's Delightγ €
This flower hairpin holds an arsenal of weaponry. The body of the hairpin hold a long, thin, needle like blade while the petals of the flower can actually be removed, and placed into drinks and food. They hold a paralytic, and dissolve in liquid or steam. The beads at the end can also be removed and thrown. On impact it explodes into a blinding light.
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,000,000 gil

γ €Dimensionflyγ €
This dragonfly necklace, upon a spoken command, will animate, and open a dimensional door that will take you to a location within at most 30 fulm of you that you can see.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,000,000 gil

γ €Arcanist's Circletγ €
Ever wanted to cast Ruin without having to hold a codex? This is the circlet for you. When wearing it, three orbs of Ruin circle around your head. You can cast them, one at a time, at any creature within 60 fulm of you. When all three casts are used up, one will replenish every 2 bells.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,500,000 gil

γ €Element Ringγ €
A purely cosmetic ring that shows the wearer what element they are most in-tune with via a color changing crystal that is set in itβs center. (Red for fire, light blue for ice, green for wind, yellow for earth, purple for thunder, dark blue for water.)
γ €Priceγ €γ €10,000 gil

γ €Fast Travel Pendantγ €
This elaborately designed silver pendant appears to have a pocket sized aetherite contained inside...or something similar to it! When in trouble, the wearer can pry it open and press their finger onto the flat crystal that lays inside. This will instantly teleport them and them alone to one desired location that the wearer is intimately familiar with. Pendant is destroyed upon use.
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,000,000 gil

γ €Hearing Gooγ €
This small necklace vial contains within it a black goo. Opening it will release the hearing goo. Give it clear instructions on who it should spy on and it will creep to it's target and spy on them for exactly 1 minute. It will then return to it's vial, and whisper back everything that it heard. It cannot see, and loses its power after two uses.
γ €Priceγ €γ €100,000 gil

γ €Mana Fuseγ €
A necklace fashioned in the likeness of a magitek fuse. Functioning as a spellcasting focus, the fuse can be utilized as a storage device for a singular spell. The fuse can be refilled with another spell after the use of the first one however will take a full day to recharge until the refilled fuse can be used again.
γ €Priceγ €γ €900,000 gil

γ €Perfume Ringγ €
Despite it's gaudy appearance, this ring has the ability to wash the immediate area the wearer is located in in any kind of scent or smell that the wearer has introduced to said ring. Ring can only hold up to one introduced scent at a time. To change the scent stored in the ring, said ring must remain open for one sun to 'air out' the old scent.
γ €Priceγ €γ €100,000 gil

γ €Song of Slumberγ €
This pendant depicts which phase the moon is currently in, and tracks said phases in real time. When activated by it's attuned user's hums, the necklace self casts sleep a difficult to detect sleep spell upon the current pendant's wearer. The attuned user must be at 30 fulms or less in distance from the pendant when trying to be activated.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,500,000 gil

γ €Ravenshadowγ €
Wearing this necklace allows you to summon a spectral raven from within it. The raven then becomes your eyes and ears. This leaves you blind, deaf, and incapacitated while using the raven's senses. It can only be used thrice a day. The raven can be dispersed at will, letting you regain your senses.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,500,000 gil
γ €Weapon Charm Mystery Bagsγ €
Do you wanna play a game of chance and luck? Then give our Weapon Charm grab bags a go! Containing one enchanted charm per bag that can be attached to any weapon, this useful trinket will bring a smile to any fighter's day! No more than one charm can be affixed to a single weapon.(NOTE: Shop staff will ask you to /random to see what charm you get in your bag!)
γ €Priceγ €γ €500,000 gil per bag
βΈLantern Charm Weapons fixed with this charm glow in the dark. It serves no other function than lighting your way.βΈCrimson Hair Charm This charm absorbs the wielder of it's weapon's blood when they are injured. Upon being fully saturated (3 successful hits), the charm imbues it's weapon with power, making it's next hit 2x more powerful.
βΈUnaspected Charm Weapons fixed with this charm are now capable of added unaspected, magical damage to their attacks. It's wielder is also resistant to magical damage.βΈPale Winds Weapons fixed with this charm hit swifter and with more force. Weapons with ranged abilities also find they can shoot a longer distance by at least 5 fulm.


γ €Lilly's Waterγ €
This clear potion has no flavour however contains a Calla Lily bloom within. Once drank, the lily withers and disintegrates into the solution. You will then gain the ability to walk upon the surface of water for 5 minutes as well as speak with plants for 10 minutes. You may only ask them simple questions as they will not answer to complex ones. This potion also makes you resistant to poison.
γ €Priceγ €γ €120,000 gil

γ €Treant Teaγ €
This golden tea is served in a clear glass cup with Treant leaves still floating around to steep. It's recommended to drink this slowly so as not to consume the leaves. As you drink this, twigs and leaves begin to sprout from your skin and spread over your body. By the time you're done, your skin will have taken on the appearance of bark and will act as extra armor for roughly four bells before the affects fade.
γ €Priceγ €γ €100,000 gil

γ €Crawlγ €
After drinking this potion, you are able to walk on vertical surfaces and ceilings for 1 bell. Embrace your inner spider, friend.
γ €Priceγ €γ €100,000 gil

γ €Drops of Lethargyγ €
Highly condensed sleeping potion now to-go for the ultra stealthy! Includes itβs very own dropper! (Warning: No more than 3 drops per person. Death possible if more is given.)
γ €Priceγ €γ €50,000 gil

γ €Siren's Voiceγ €
Taking this potions gives you the ability to lure and charm with your voice. It also gives you the ability to speak with aquatic creatures. The potion lasts for three bells.
γ €Priceγ €γ €100,000 gil

γ €Pocket Explosion!γ €
A secret concoction of two flammable oils that are separated from fire shards. This glass bottle that is barely the size of a fingernail, shatters when thrown, mixing the two together to create a burst of flame that will light any nearby flammable materials.
γ €Priceγ €γ €50,000 gil

γ €Lucky Goldfishγ €
Upon drinking what is seemingly just a goldfish in a bottle, the user will receive one stroke of luck. It is suggested that the user think of what they want before drinking this potion, or else it may just choose something random. It is also known to simply cause the user to be extremely confused if it does not have direction before consumption.
γ €Priceγ €γ €160,000 gil

γ €Storm in a Bottleγ €
There are two uses for this potion. Meticulously crafted using aspects of both wind and levin energies, the bottle holds three doses. If ingested, the user will gain hasted speed in their actions. However if the bottle is thrown, when it shatters it will create a storm in an isolated area which can damage an area of effect for roughly 5 minutes.
γ €Priceγ €γ €100,000 gil

γ €Elixir of the Strangerγ €
Anyone who holds this potion bottle has the overwhelming sense that they've forgotten something extremely important. The liquid inside is clear as water, but somehow the potion itself seems to have even less taste. This potion must be poured and drank by two different people. The person who drinks the potion loses all memory of the person who poured it. This effect is permanent.
γ €Priceγ €γ €300,000 gil

γ €Pixie Potionγ €
When a user drinks this potion they gain a set of iridescent pixie wings. You gain the ability to fly as well as the ability to go invisible for a full bell. Unfortunately, your wings leave behind a trail of pixie dust.
γ €Priceγ €γ €150,000 gil

γ €Tincture of Toadγ €
Drinking this potion is an experience itself. Slimy, and thick like a gel rather than a liquid, this potion has the chance to apply one of four effects onto the consumer.(This potion will require you to roll a 1d20 for effects.)
γ €Priceγ €γ €150,000 gil
βΈ1-3: Curse of Toad: You are transformed into a small toad until midnight. Every bell someone may try and kiss you to transform you back early. Roll a d20, if you roll an 11, you may return to your normal self.βΈ4-10: ebbed Hands and Feet. Your hands and feet become webbed and sticky like a toad's. Your swimming and climbing ability rises. This effects only lasts a bell.
βΈ11-17: Prehensile Tongue. For one bell you are able to shoot your tongue out like a toad. Its sticky and can reach a distance of 20 fulm. You can grab items, or grapple opponents. If the tongue is severed, the effect fades early.βΈ18-20: Toad Monster. For 1 bell you transform into a toad-like monster. You gain the effects of Prehensile Tongue and Webbed Hands and Feet. You also gain the ability to spew a slimy, slippery liquid from your mouth.

γ €Potion of Heartburnγ €
When ingested this potion emulates the symptoms and feeling of heartburn. While unpleasant, the user also benefits from a heat which keeps them warm in even the most cold of climates for the next 24 bells.
γ €Priceγ €γ €50,000 gil

γ €Buddy Potionγ €
When a pair drink this potion together they bind themselves to one another. This means when one person is injured, the other person takes half of their pain as well, dispersing the injury between the two. Lasts for three bells.
γ €Priceγ €γ €100,000 gil

γ €Planar Fangγ €
This long range rifle holds two abilities. Regular bullets shot from it obtain a poison effect upon hit. It also comes with specially marked bullets that hold a teleportation enchantment. When looking through the scope, one can mark targets. When using the teleportation bullets, one can, on hit of a marked target, teleport to that target's location.
γ €Priceγ €γ €10,000,000 gil

γ €Perfect Balanceγ €
This collapsible staff, bladed at each end, is capable of storing energy from both attacks made and attacks blocked by it. The more energy stored in the staff, the heavier it gets. However, with the push of a button, the energy can be released in a powerful blast of aether in front of the user.
γ €Priceγ €γ €5,000,000 gil

γ €Firebane & Frostbaneγ €
These two sister daggers are polar opposites of one another. Frostbane is ice aspected and has an intense chill surrounding it. Striking a foe with this dagger causes a sheet of ice to slowly creep over them, slowly freezing them. Firebane, the fire aspect blade, has a similar effect with heat radiating intensely from it. However anything struck by this blade ignites into flames.
γ €Priceγ €γ €3,000,000 gil

γ €Teleporting Push Dartγ €
While normally push daggers are designed to be grasped in the hand so that the blade protrudes from the front of one's fist, the increased amount of people simply throwing them like darts has been so maddening that a certain enchanter made a mockery of said folks. This 'Dart' can once per day teleport directly to a target it is thrown at. However must always be manually retrieved by it's owner otherwise it's enchantment wears off and it becomes a normal push Dagger.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,500,000 gil

γ €Enchanted Arrowsγ €
Arrows are sold in a bunch, with each bunch containing a total of five arrows. Current types of arrows are listed to the right.
γ €Priceγ €γ €500,000 gil
βΈBramble Patch Arrows: These arrows are capable of causing a bramble patch to grow from any surface they come in contact with, entangling anything within the ten fulm radius with sharp barbs and sturdy vines.βΈFrostbind Arrows: These arrows are cold to the touch. Upon hitting a target, they burst into tiny ice shards that pierce anything around them in a five fulm radius, freezing surfaces or things and creating hard to traverse terrain.
βΈFlare-rows: These arrows ignite when loosed from the bow setting ablaze anything they come in contact with.βΈLightning Rods: At first these arrows do nothing when loosed from their bow. However, when they hit their target, a bolt of lightning is called from the sky to strike the arrow and then subsequently, the target. Lightning has a chance to arc from the initial target to other targets.

γ €Aurora Rapierγ €
This seemingly normal Rapier can change and mimic the colors of any object or creature it touches and temporarily glamour them onto the next object it touches. Glamours wear off in a bell.
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,000,000 gil

γ €Death Keeper's Scytheγ €
Upon killing an enemy with this weapon, the knowledge and soul of said enemy is sucked into the scythe and held there for one bell. This allows the wielder of said scythe to question them for a time after death before they return to the Star's aether. Warning: Souls protected by certain powerful unexplained sources may be protected from the scythe. Shattering of said weapon has been known to happen on certain occasions due to this.
γ €Priceγ €γ €4,000,000 gil

γ €Viper Whipγ €
Inspired by the common, but beautiful Grass Vipers that call the grasslands of Eorzea home! After speaking a special incantation, a viper's head will appear on the tip of this whip and will bite the wielder's target, injecting Grass Viper poison into them. Known to cause potent bleeding from already inflicted wounds, this whip can be as deadly in a skilled wielder's hand. Poison takes three suns to regenerate after each use.
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,000,000 gil

γ €Scimitar of Seasonsγ €
Not only does this scimitar's appearance change with the seasons, so does it's aspect. Unsheathing the blade causes it to be engulfed with one of four types of aether depending on the season. (Winter - Ice, Spring - Earth, Summer - Fire, Fall - Wind)
γ €Priceγ €γ €2,500,000 gil

γ €Dagger of Venomγ €
A dagger that's coated in difficult to acquire serpent venom. The sheath is enchanted so that the dagger itself is coated in the venom upon each unsheathing. The venom is potent and will creep through the veins turning them black and eating away at the flesh from within. The victim will have 24 bells to find a cure while their condition quickly deteriorates.
γ €Priceγ €γ €3,500,000 gil

γ €Rift Breakerγ €
With the ability to create rifts within 60 fulm of you in direct eye sight, you can change the trajectory of this spear. This makes it possible to perform melee attacks from a distance. Only the spear can pass through the rifts. Only once can this spear cast a circle of teleportation. The teleportation circle will take the wielder, and three others to a random location know to the wielder. Once the circle is cast, the spear is destroyed.
γ €Priceγ €γ €3,500,000 gil
Traded Stock
γ €What is Player Traded Stock?γ €
These are items that have come to the Whispered Word through our customers. Used as payment for other items within the shop, these limited time wares are one of a kind and usually only available only for trade. This keeps things fresh and stock constantly rotating out; meaning grab it while you can for there's no promise it'll be here tomorrow!This page is constantly being updated so please check here every now and again to see if anything new has passed through!

Priced Items

γ €Potion of Vigorγ €
Allows the consumer to regenerate their stamina at a break neck rate for 300 seconds, helping them perform seemingly impossible feats!
γ €Priceγ €γ €1,000 gil

€Unenchanted Voodooγ
This Voodoo doll can be used to either inflict harm, or perhaps bring happiness depending on the user and their intentions. Speak with the Whispered Word's owner to get it enchanted for yourself! We don't judge here.
€1,000 gil
Trade Only

€Heavenspillar Treeγ
Under low light, these tree galls pulled from the Heavenspillar itself glow a soft but sickly green color. When consumed they bestow upon the consumer a troll's strength and expert's magical might. However, the also come at a cost: one's temporary sanity and mania. Not easily stopped in this rage, most reports confirm the consumer usually is killed in order to stop them. However there's still value in these galls...if one knows where to look.

γ €Dust of Deliciousnessγ €
Makes food taste ten times better. There seems to be enough powder for eight reasonably sized portions of food!

γ €Stone Drub Glovesγ €
Pair of dark leather gloves that turn things to stone when you punch them. However don't fret! The wearer themselves is not effect by said enchantment if they accidently punch themselves! Anything turned to stone by these gloves are twice as heavy than they would normally be expected to be.

γ €A 'Higher' Callingγ €
A deep-red crystal flecked with streaks of orange and gold. Abundant in deep fire-aspected aether, this crystal can be ground down into a powder that can be inhaled or consumed in a tea to provide a boost in aetherial reserves. Consumption in larger quantities can cause hallucinations and invoke feelings of a 'heightened self' often associated with spiritual enlightenment. Can be used recreationally in smaller dosages to provide feelings of euphoria and mild hallucinations. Prolonged use can lead to addiction and a tipping of ones' aetheric signature towards fire.

€Blackrose Venomγ
€& Antidoteγ
A poison that, when introduced into the bloodstream, causes the victim to vent all out their aether until they die. The poison comes with an antidote. Both bottles hold 5 doses each.

γ €Bubbly Champagneγ €
When drank, the drinker hiccups bubbles. The more you drink, the bigger the bubbles get. Its quite a bit stronger than normal champagne.

€Complaints andγ
A silken cloak with golden tassels. When worn, it protects one from the bitter effects of the elements, including those of an aetheric nature. The drawback? It'll yell at you the entire time about it. Wear it in the desert, it will keep you cool while complaining about thirst and the heat. Wear it in a frozen tundra, it will keep you warm, but chastise you on not bringing a proper coat. Like having your mother with you everywhere you go.

γ €The Glass Slipperγ €
A slipper said to be of fairytales. Upon speaking the word "seek" this slipper will seek out a partner that may or may not even exist. How? By forcibly placing itself upon your targeted person's foot regardless of whether they are wearing shoes or not. One can imagine how that may be painful. They are then forced to dance a waltz, searching for the matching slipper until the stroke of midnight when the slipper removes itself from their person and becomes inanimate again. But not before turning their clothing to rags and/or potentially displacing them.

γ €Chimera Leatherγ €
Leather made from a Chimera. A nightmarish combination of lion, goat, and dragon, the fell chimera has three heads, a pair of mighty wings, and a cruelly barbed tail. Its origins have been furiously debated, with some insisting the creature a cruel jest of the gods, while others believe it the twisted creation of forbidden sorcery. Recent decipherings of Third Astral Era texts have given increased weight to the latter.

γ €Chimera Eyesγ €
Eyes from a Chimera. A nightmarish combination of lion, goat, and dragon, the fell chimera has three heads, a pair of mighty wings, and a cruelly barbed tail. Its origins have been furiously debated, with some insisting the creature a cruel jest of the gods, while others believe it the twisted creation of forbidden sorcery. Recent decipherings of Third Astral Era texts have given increased weight to the latter.

γ €The Un-Drunk Stoneγ €
An amethyst palm stone used to put in drinks. When placed into a drink, the stone neutralizes all alcohol content. Used for single drinks only (does not work in large kegs). Any drinks made with rosemary neutralize the stone's affect.

γ €Hoarhound Peltγ €

γ €Gargoyle Vesselγ €
A spell scroll containing written instructions for the construction of a stone gargoyle vessel for souls

γ €Disguise Self Scrollγ €
You make yourselfβincluding your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your personβlook different until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You canβt change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you. The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection.

γ €'Eternal' Lifeγ €
Amulet that gives the wearer eternal life....supposedly. In reality, the amulet only reanimates the body once it's dead. Honest mistake. You're still dead though!

γ €Fearless Hungerγ €
A ruby ring with a gold band. Removes wearer of all fears, but also makes them crave random and outrageous foods the longer it is worn.

γ €Vite Zannagrigiaγ €
This morbol hybrid is smaller than your average morbol and acts more like a vining ivy, however no less aggressive. In fact, some might say it's more aggressive than its purebred brethren. It was specifically bred to cultivate larger sources of umbral aether, and susceptibility to mind control magics. One could mistake it for voidal in nature due to it's unending hunger for aether as a result. Further experimentation has not been done to see what other properties it's vines or venom might hold.

γ €Thavnairian Idolγ €
Thought to be a relief of Minduruva, this golden idol may or may not be the key to a treasury or deeper chamber in some dilapidated ruins. It comes with a crude drawing of a map to ruins around the Font of Maya.